born 1982, New York

lives and works in the Hudson Valley, New York



2007:   MFA, Hunter College, New York, NY. 

2004:   BFA, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL



2023: Alisha Sickler Brunelli & Erika Mahr: Material And Metaphor, Cluster Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2020: paper folds, Launch F18, New York, NY

2016:   Content Aware, Hap Gallery, Portland, OR 

2014:   Screens & Shrouds, Launch F18, New York, NY

2011:   Geometric Narratives, Launch F18, New York, NY           

2011:   New Work By Erika Mahr, The Susan B. Hilles Gallery, CAW, New Haven, CT



2025: 4 DECADES, 14BC Gallery, New York, NY

2025: Art+Design Faculty Exhibition, SUNY WCC, Valhalla, NY

2024: Beyond Language, Fluid Media, Artsy

2024: Glogg Glogg, popup art faire, Woodstock, NY

2024: The Practice of Everyday Life, Fluid Media, Artsy

2023: We Are One, Fluid Media, Artsy

2022: Spring in War-Time, Bull Farm 1856, Rock Tavern NY

2020: Art on Paper, K. Imperial Gallery, New York, NY

2019:   Future Starts Slow, Launch F18, New York, NY

2019:   Summer Invitational I, Whiterock Center for Sculptural Arts, Holmes, NY

2018:   Seattle Art Fair, K. Imperial Gallery, Seattle, WA

2016:   Contemporary Practice, The New Hampshire Institute of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire

2016:   Base, Four Letter Word Projects, Brooklyn, NY   

2015:   The Rabbit Hole, Sharon Arts Center, Peterborough, NH 

2015:   #mycasualacquaintance, Launch F18, New York, NY 

2015:   Image, Object and Idea, University Gallery, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 

2014:   Making and Taking: Pictures Reconsidered, A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2014:   Pixel Perfect |Analogue Output, Center for the Arts, SUNY WCC, Whiteplains, NY 

2013:   Mediating Drawing, Florida School of the Arts 

2013:   Advancing Human Rights & Friends of Ai Weiwei Benefit”, AW Asia, New York, NY        

2013:   Faculty Exhibition, Center for the Arts, SUNY WCC, Whiteplains, NY

2011:   Tailgates & Substitutes, Thierry Goldberg Gallery, New York, NY 

2011:   Material Matters, Art Center Sarasota, FL 

2011:   Meet Me In the Middle, Art Current, Provincetown, MA 

2010:   Drawing in the Expanded Field, Clara Hatton Gallery, Colorado State University

2010:   Great Lakes Drawing Biennial, University Gallery, Eastern Michigan University 

2010:   Inventive Structures: Books Beyond the Codex, Hilles Gallery, CAW, New Haven, CT 

2008:   Untitled group show”, Redsaw Gallery, Newark, NJ 

2008:   Works of Art on Paper”, Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts, Loveladies, NJ 

2007:   MFA Thesis Exhibition, Times Square Gallery, Hunter College, New York, NY

2005:   11th Annual International Exhibition of Women’s Art, Soho20 Chelsea Gallery, Chelsea, New York, NY           

2004:   Explorations of the Ephemeral, Brass Belle Gallery, Gainesville, FL

2004:   Perceptions, The Reitz Union Gallery, Gainesville, FL

2003:   Between the Lines, 920 Building, Gainesville, FL

2003:   Site, Sight, Cite, The Reitz Union Gallery, Gainesville, FL



2016:   Joshua Tree Highlands Artist Residency

2015:   Panel Discussion in conjunction with Image, Object and Idea, Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL

2013:   Nominee, Rema Hort Mann Foundation Emerging Artist Grant

2012:   Nominee, Rema Hort Mann Foundation Emerging Artist Grant

2011:   Nominee, Rema Hort Mann Foundation Emerging Artist Grant

2009:   New York Foundation of the Arts Grant Recipient

2009:   Hunter College Tony Smith Award Recipient

2009:   Visiting Artist, Stony Brook University, New York

2007:   Drawing Center Viewing Program, New York, NY



2016:   Painting Reassembled, SUNY Westchester Community College, NY   



2022-Present: Department Chair, SUNY Westchester Community College

2014-Present: AssociateProfessor, SUNY Westchester Community College

2010-2014: Adjunct Assistant Professor, CUNY Hunter College

2012- 2014: Adjunct Assistant Professor, CUNY Queensborough Community College

BIBLIOGRAPHY (click link to view)

2020: “These Artworks Will Soothe You In Tough Times”, Artspace Editors

2019:   "Differences That Make Differentiations Without Making Dualisms." Cybernetics & Human Knowing, Volume 26, No.1.

2018:   Flock, T.s."Seattle Art Fair 2018: The Superlatives of the booths."  Vanguard Seattle.

2016:   Review: Visual Arts Source

2014:   Martinez, Jamie. “Screens and Shrouds by Erika Mahr at Launch F18.” Arte Fuse. 

2011:   Birke, Judy.  “Stunning Show.”  New Haven Register.

            Linshi, Jack.  “New Exhibition Shows Books as Art, not Literature.”  Yale Daily News.

2010:   Plitt, Allison.  “Between the Lines.”  Astoria Times.

            Birke, Judy.  “Clever CAW Exhibit re-invents books as objets d’art.”  New Haven Register.

            Holford, Lesley. “Inventive Structures: Books Beyond the Codex.”  Exhibition Catalog.